
What is Linux Operating System (OS)?

Linux OS

Just like other operating systems like iOS, Mac OS and Windows, Linux is an operating system. Linux is a free and open source operating system. An operating system is software that directly manages system resources and hardware such as storage, memory, and CPU.
The operating system acts as a middle man between your hardware and application and connects all your physical and software resources.
Your operating system is just like your car engine. A car engine run on its own, but when it is connected to the wheels and axles, it becomes functional. If the engine is not working properly, the rest of the vehicle will not work.
The Linux operating system consists of several different pieces which we will discuss one by one below:

  • Boot loader:

The boot loader is a component of the Linux operating system that manages the boot process of your Linux OS. The boot Loader is responsible for loading the Linux kernel and the initial Linux RAM disk.

  • Kernel:

The Linux kernel is a core component of the Linux operating system and is the basic interface between computer processes and its hardware, and it manages memory, peripherals, and the CPU. Kernel is basically the lower level of the operating system.

  • Init system:

Init is the first process to start while booting the system. It is a daemon process that continues until the system is shut down. It is the direct or indirect predecessor of all processes and automatically adopts all the orphan processes

  • Daemon:

Daemon is a background process that runs in the background of the operating system.
Almost all daemon process names end in “d”.
For example, SSD the desktop process that manages the SSH remote access connection, HTD which handles the Apache server, scheduling, or sound.
The daemon process usually starts during boot time or after logging in to the desktop.

  • Graphical Server:

Linux OS uses a graphical server, also called an “X-server” or simply “X” desktop environment. It is responsible for displaying graphics on your monitor screen. It includes many options such as Unity, Cinnamon, and KED.

  • Desktop Environments:

A desktop environment is a collection of components that provide you with elements of a graphical user interface such as wallpapers, icons, desktop widgets and toolbars.
There are many desktop environments available in Linux, such as Matte, Cinnamon ED, Xfs, GNOME, and more. Each environment includes built-in applications such as configuration tools, games, file managers and web browsers.

  • Applications:

Linux OS default doesn’t just offer all apps just like MacOS and Windows, but Linux offers hundreds or thousands of high quality software that you can easily find on the Internet and install in your OS.
In modern Linux, the version includes the App Store, which simplifies the application installation process.
For example, Ubuntu Linux allows you to quickly find among the thousands of apps and install them on your computer.

Who Created Linus OS?

Linux was created in the early 1990’s. It was developed by Finnish software engineer Lance Torvalds.
Torvalds created Linux OS as open source and free alternative to Minx.

Who uses Linux OS?

You may already be using the Linux operating system, whether you know it or not. According to the survey report, one third of the web pages on the Internet are created by a server running on Linux.
Large organizations and individuals choose Linux OS for their servers because it is very flexible, secure, and has great support for a large community of users.
In addition, companies such as Red Hat, Sauce, and Canonical provide commercial support.
You have many popular devices, such as tablets, Android mobile phones, video recorders, Chromebooks, and even cameras also running on Linux

Who owns Linux?

Linux is an open source licensing and is freely available to anyone.
The following is a list of our most popular open source tenants.

  • Freedom to read the operating system, and modify it according to your needs.
  • You can use the OS for any purpose. That’s why most hackers use the Linux operating system.
  • Freedom to distribute copies of your modified OS version.
  • These points are the main factors of the popularity of the Linux OS.

Bottom Line
Linux is an open source and free operating system, and provides the secure and fully customized platform to their users. Due to the evolving nature of Linux, security improvements often appear much faster than commercial operating systems, making Linux an ideal platform when security is needed.

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