
Exploring the Risks of Working in Agriculture

Risks of Working in Agriculture

When you or a close family member work in the world of agriculture, there are a certain number of risks that come with the job. Becoming injured or killed as a result of this industry is becoming increasingly common, so it’s important to explore the risks of Working in Agriculture before you choose to work in this industry. If you’re trying to carve out a career as a farmer or agricultural laborer, then you will be looking for ways to reduce risks to yourself whilst on the job.

Health and safety will always be a fundamental part of farming businesses, but not everybody is lucky enough to have employers who look out for their best interests. Hopefully, the following advice will put you in a strong position to make a choice on your career and what you should do if you’ve suffered from an illness or injury in the past.

Obtaining Professional Advice

One of the most common illnesses in the agricultural industry is exposure to toxins. If you haven’t been provided with the correct equipment or protection whilst on the job, you could be entitled to compensation if you choose to follow up with legal representation. Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers have a specialist team who deals with those who have been exposed to Paraquat, which is a highly toxic weed and grass killer.

Farmers often come into close contact with this substance and there are a number of unfortunate side effects such as Parkinson’s disease. This is something that you shouldn’t have to face alone, especially if the exposure was not your fault. Contact a professional and see where you stand with your legal rights and obtain as much information as you can.

Why Agricultural Risks Need to be Managed?

It goes without saying that agricultural risks need to be managed due to a number of reasons. Not only does it protect the business, but it also protects the people who work hard to keep the business up and running. When the risks are managed properly there will be a reduction in injuries and ill health. There will also be more motivation and heightened morale amongst the workforce. The business itself will also have a better reputation when the employees are well taken care of.

Common Injuries and Health Risks

You might be wondering what some of the common injuries and health risks are if you work in the world of agriculture. It’s no secret that this industry is hazardous as workers are surrounded by dangerous machinery, vehicles, chemicals and livestock. As well as this, workers are also exposed to their surroundings such as noise, bad weather and dust. Farm work is also extremely demanding physically; the repetitive nature of the work can also cause a whole host of health problems including severe back pain.

Main Causes Of Death and Injury

Some of the most common causes of death in the agricultural industry are to do with transport and equipment. Being struck by moving vehicles, contact with machinery and being trapped are some of the unfortunate incidents that occur everyday in this industry. Falling from heights, being struck by trees, injuries from animals and coming into contact with electrical currents are also very high on the list of fatal accidents. There are a number of injuries that do not result in death such as slips, trips, falls, machinery injuries and contact with animals.

People working in this industry can also be permanently disabled due to ill health from breathing in chemicals, dust and being exposed to loud, constant noises. In many cases these symptoms can take many years to develop so premature death is often the case. It is extremely important to consult your doctor if you fear you have been exposed to anything unnatural during your time working as an agricultural laborer. Although there are a number of supportive people out there who can help you, they will only be able to get to the root of the issue if you speak out and seek out expert help.

All in all, it’s clear that employees in the agricultural industry need to be mindful of the risks that surround them on a daily basis. Unfortunately, for many people, it’s too late, but you don’t have to take this journey alone if you’re worried about the potential risks. Speak with your employer or a legal professional if you have any questions about your rights or safety.