Construction Management

FIDIC Letters by Consultant | Letters Examples [PDF]

fidic consultant

In this article, you will learn about Fidic Letters by Consultant which will help you if you are working with a construction consulting company. FIDIC Contracts have been developed over the last 50 years as the international standard for the Consulting Industry

Some Fidic Letters by the consultant:

1.The Consultant letter for Client’s Authority to Delegate

To: The Engineer’s Representative

CC: Contractor & Employer

Subject: Engineer’s Authority to Delegate

Dear [Name],
Pursuant to Clause 2.3 of the Conditions, I hereby delegate to you, following your appointment as my representative for the works, the duties, and officials assigned to me under the following provisions:……………………………..
This delegation shall take impact upon the delivery of a copy to the employer and the contractor.

Best Regards,


2.The Consultant letter for a work schedule to be submitted

To: The Contractor
Subject: Time Schedule to be Submitted

Dear [Name],
We write to draw your attention to the requirement pursuant to Clause 14.1 of the Conditions that a work program be submitted within the moment specified in Part II of the Conditions together with a method declaration setting out a general overview of the provisions and techniques proposed by you for the execution of the works.

Best Regards,


3.Dates for Inspection and Testing

To: The Contractor
Subject: Inspection Dates

Dear [Name],
Following our agreement on the inspection and/or testing time and location for the ………….. In accordance with Clause 37.3, I am now writing to offer you the notice needed (not less than 24 hours) of my intention to carry out the inspection / assist the tests.

Best Regards,


4. Extension of time for completion
To: The Contractor
CC: The Employer
Subject: Extension of Time

Dear [Name],
I’m referring to your letter ……………… And published in accordance with Clause 44.2(a) of the Conditions notifying the following incident ……………….. Which entitled you reasonably to an extension of time for the work to be completed.
I have determined in accordance with Clause 44.1 after my consultation with you and the employer that the extension of time to which you are entitled will be ………….. With regard to the following events ………………….

Best Regards,


Letter From Consultant To Contractor

In this Fidic letter from the consultant to the contractor: you will learn about letters from consultant to contractor. Download the full PDF to learn more about the FIDIC letters from consultant to contractor.

See Also

FIDIC Letters By Contractor
Lump Sum Contracts