If you’re passionate about writing content and copy, it’s smart to specialize in a niche where your effort is worth more. One such industry is the iGaming sector. From game developers to affiliate marketing websites’ needs, the demand for iGaming content writers doesn’t seem to slow down. So, with the proper dedication and knowledge, you can land one of those well-paid gaming industry jobs in no time. Are you interested in how to become a writer for the iGaming market? Well, we have some essential tips for you right here!
Get Familiar With the Industry
One of the most common mistakes for newbie iGaming writers is their failure to get familiar with the industry. Sure, you’ll build your knowledge the more you write and do research. Yet, that doesn’t mean that you can apply for a job without knowing the basics. As an interactive gaming content writer, you should at least learn the types of online games available on the market.
It’s also advisable to learn how licensing works alongside what the Random Number Generator (RNG) and Return To Player (RTP) terms mean. Knowing these basics will get you better rates and help you beat the competition. Also, it’s advisable to follow gaming companies on LinkedIn. Finally, don’t forget to read gaming-related news on a regular basis so that you are informed about all the latest happenings in this exciting industry.
Always Fact Check
As an iGaming writer, you will often be asked to write reviews of online games, video slots, or gaming companies. You may even need to write news stories, depending on what your task is. Well, don’t just copy your information from other websites or, even worse, invent things and present them as facts. The only way to be an excellent online games writer is to always fact-check.
If you are reviewing a games site – just visit the games and find all the information there. If some details are missing, it’s always better to say so than to write something that isn’t accurate. Don’t underestimate your readers. The chances are, they know about iGaming, and they will notice these mistakes, which can only lead to issues in the long run.
Know Your Audience
Sometimes, rookie iGaming writers forget the target audience of their pieces. It’s easy to try and be funny while writing an article about the latest gaming regulations in the US. However, your readers likely want raw data and details rather than your humor when reading such pieces.
If you’re doing an opinion piece where being witty or personal is encouraged – go for it. Yet, when the article needs to be straightforward and informative, refrain from adding that special flavor. Sometimes, writing iGaming content isn’t about what you want to write about. Sometimes, it’s about what your readers need to learn from it.
Build Your iGaming Writer Profile
The best way to get recognized as an iGaming content or copywriter is to build your portfolio and your profile. For example, if you are active on LinkedIn or have accounts on Upwork or Hubstaff, introduce yourself as an iGaming writer or an iGaming expert. Naturally, don’t lie about this as you need at least one year of experience to even consider yourself educated on the topic. Still, it’s good to show potential clients and recruiters that remote gaming is your niche. After all, many such positions are filled with professionals familiar with the industry rather than writers who cover a wide range of topics.
Bottom Line
Becoming an experienced and wanted iGaming writer takes time and dedication. Yet, once you invest yourself in it, you’ll discover a fast-paced industry with tons of exciting happenings. Even if you don’t have to, you will probably get invested in all those new game releases, innovations, and regulations. More importantly, the more you read and write, the better you will be at doing your job. Just follow the tips above, and you will see all those job opportunities come your way in no time.