Network Protocols
Network protocols are group of rules that accompany a network. A network protocol is a formal requirement and plan consisting of rules, procedures, and types that describe communication between two devices over a network. Protocols can be described as an approach to rules that allow some entity in a communication program to transfer information through any kind of physical medium.
This protocol identifies communication rules, syntax, semantics, synchronization, and feasible error management methods. This article describes different types of network protocols. The network protocol contains all the rules and regulations for communication between network devices, including how devices identify and connect to each other.
Types of Network Protocols
Internet protocol
The Internet Protocol (IP) family contains a set of related widely used network protocols. In addition to the Internet Protocol itself, high-level protocols such as TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP are all integrated with IP to provide additional functionality.
Similarly, low-level Internet protocols such as ARP and ICMP coexist with IP. In general, the high-level protocols of the IP family interact more closely with applications such as web browsers, while the low-level protocols interact with network adapters and other computer hardware.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): TCP is a common communication protocol used for communication over networks. The message is split into a series of packets sent from the source to the destination, where it is reassembled at the destination.
Internet Protocol (IP): IP is explicitly designed as an addressing protocol. It is mainly used in TCP. The IP address in the packet helps route the packet through the various nodes in the network until it reaches the destination system. TCP / IP is the most common protocol for connecting networks.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP): UDP is an alternative communication protocol to transmission control protocols implemented primarily to tolerate losses and create low latency links between different applications.
Post Office Protocol (POP): POP3 is designed to receive incoming email.
Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP): SMTP is designed to send and distribute outbound email.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP): FTP allows users to transfer files from one machine to another. File types include program files, multimedia files, text files, and documents.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): HTTP is designed to transfer hypertext between two or more systems. HTML tags are used to create links. These links can be in any format, such as text or images.
HTTP is designed on the principle of client-server, which allows the client system to establish a connection with the server machine to make requests. The server sees the request initiated by the client and responds accordingly.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS): HTTPS is abbreviated as Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. This is a standard protocol for using a browser to secure communication between two computers that fetch data from a web server.
HTTP transfers data between the client browser (request) and the web server (response) in hypertext format, as in HTTPS, except that the data is transferred in an encrypted format. Used for Therefore, https can be said to prevent hackers from interpreting or modifying data throughout the forwarding of packets.
Wireless network protocol
Wireless networks have become commonplace thanks to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and LTE. Network protocols designed for use in wireless networks must support roaming mobile devices and address issues such as variable data rates and network security.
Network routing protocol
A routing protocol is a dedicated protocol designed specifically for use with network routers on the Internet. Routing protocols can identify other routers, manage the route between the source and destination of network messages (called routes), and make dynamic routing decisions. Common routing protocols include EIGRP, OSPF, and BGP.
Uses of Network Protocols
Network protocols include predefined rules and regulations for communication between devices connected to your network. This includes identifying and establishing connections between devices. In addition, there are formatting rules that specify the packaging, sending, and receiving of messages. Further, there are message acknowledgment and data compression protocols. It also enables the establishment of highly reliable and high-performance network communication.
Without the protocol, the device will not understand the electronic signals it sends when communicating over a network connection. Currently, the protocol uses packet-switched technology to send and receive messages in the form of packets. These messages are split, collected, and reconstructed again at the destination. Many computer network protocols serve a defined purpose and environment.
Modern operating systems include embedded software services that implement support for some network protocols. Applications such as web browsers include software libraries that support the high-level protocols required for the application to function. For some low-level TCP / IP and routing protocols, support is implemented directly in the hardware (silicon chipset) to improve performance.
Each packet sent and received over the network contains binary data (1s and 0s that encode the content of each message). Most protocols add a small header at the beginning of each packet to store information about the sender of the message and its intended destination.
Each network protocol can identify its own type of message and process headers and footers as part of moving data between devices.
See Also
HTML Basic Elements