Career Skills Development

Top 12 Tips For Personal Growth In Career

Tips For Personal Growth In Career

When trying to grow and thrive in your career, there are a lot of different things you have to consider. Working for yourself, for a company, or starting your own career can be a huge challenge – and growth in career within your chosen sector takes a lot of time, hard work, and dedication. 

When looking to climb the ladder and ultimately reach a higher position in your career, there are a lot of things you need to do as well as skills you should learn to succeed. Today we want to discuss some of the different ways that you can work on your personal growth in career in 2022.

Top Tips For Personal Growth In Career

1.Learn leadership skills

One of the most important skills you can learn as someone looking to grow in the business world is leadership. When you grow in a role and move up the ladder, you will be more likely to manage one or more people.

Becoming a manager is something that will be a huge shift in your career, and it is important for you to build up those leadership skills so that you are able to adjust. Managing other people can be a huge challenge and it will take a little while for you to get used to being responsible for others.

That’s why taking a leadership course can be a wonderful way to gain those skills and prepare yourself for your rise in the ranks.

2.Write it down

One of the most important habits you can have in the workplace is to record your thoughts and organize your tasks. A diary can work wonders for you in your role as it will allow you to organize your content, your tasks, and your different appointments by day or week – allowing you to always know what’s going on.

By recording your tasks as well as any great ideas you have during the week you can ensure that you are making the most of your role and working to the best of your ability to grow and thrive.

3.Learn about other roles

It is so important when in any role of a business to not get tunnel vision and only pay attention to your own role. When training to grow in your own role, taking the time to learn about other aspects of business can help you get a more rounded view of your goals.

After all, every role within a business serves towards the same end goal. This means that everything from logistics to sales should be aligned to ensure the completion of all of your goals. That’s why taking courses such as a business management course or a Six Sigma Certification can bring you a broader understanding of business as well as analytics which can be used in any role.

4.Set Small Goals

One great way to help you realize your goals in your career is to set small goals throughout the year. This could be to take a particular course, to get a number of sale, or to write a number of articles. Whatever your goal is, it needs to be attainable in order to motivate you and allow you to grow.

Saying that you want to grow your social media following by 2000 in 1 month is likely not realistic as a small business, so make sure to create goals that are realistic for you and the resources you have available to you. 

5.Stretch Yourself

As an individual in the business world, it is so important for you to stretch yourself and challenge yourself to do better. This means taking on new projects and tasks, and perhaps inserting yourself into different situations and projects you wouldn’t have done otherwise.

The best way to grow and make an impression is to put yourself out there and try something entirely new. By jumping out of your comfort zone even for a small amount of time, you’ll be able to discover new things about yourself and you might even find that you have skills you never realized you had! 

6.Stay connected 

When working in any role, it is so important to collaborate as a team and catch-up with your manager regularly. Especially since the pandemic hit, a lot of us are working from home and this has reduced the amount of time we spend talking to our team by a mile.

It is crucial for you as a worker to reach out to your manager and your team to collaborate on ideas as well as to get some feedback in your work. If you think you are doing a great job but your manager thinks you need to improve – it is better for you to find out right away than to leave it for a while and have it become an issue that needs to be dealt with.

Staying connected as a team is key to success and it will also help you learn and grow on the job. 

7.Stay in the loop 

It is super important as a working individual to take an interest in your industry outside the office. If you work in marketing for example – staying on top of the latest advertising and social media trends will help you to succeed in your industry and stand out from others in your role.

By reading articles and magazines that deal with your industry news, you can improve the way you work to align with the latest technology and trends, and this will have a very positive impact on your work and your business as well. When your manager notices the extra effort you are putting into knowledge, they will reward you for it and you can grow into bigger and better roles. 

8.Read regularly 

When you are looking to be the best you can be, it is important to keep learning as well as keep training your brain. From a young age we are encouraged to read to help develop cognitively, and reading regularly can be a wonderful way to extend your understanding of the world as well as your cognitive skills.

By growing your vocabulary as well as becoming more knowledgeable, you can make a bigger impact on your role within a business and this will help you to grow into a successful individual. Whether you read fact or fiction, reading is valuable for the mind and will help you to become a more rounded individual.

If you don’t have the time to read a whole book, or you struggle reading in general – you can use an app such as Headway which will suggest books to you each day and will allow you to read 10 minute excerpts or listen to them while working. This can be a great way to learn and grow even if you have limited time in your day to do so. 


Networking with the wider industry is a key way for you to make yourself known as a powerful candidate for roles. LinkedIn is a useful way to build a network of people who work both in your own company and other companies that deal with similar businesses.

Networking with other professionals can be beneficial from a social perspective as well as for your own growth as you can learn how other companies do things. Having a fresh set of eyes to help you with issues as well as other perspectives on a topic is valuable and will help you in the long run to develop your own skills and your own talent. Plus, if you get to know other people, when job opportunities come along you are more likely to be suggested. 

10.Find a teacher

It is always a great idea to find someone who can become a mentor to you in the workplace. Whether it’s your own manager or it is someone influential in the sector – the best way to grow is to learn from someone who is already a success. You’ll be able to learn some valuable lessons from a higher ranking individual and this will help you to grow the skills you need to reach that position in the future. 

11.Keep learning 

It is important even as an adult to never stop learning new skills and talents. There are so many wonderful courses you can take online that can help you gain a new perspective on your role as well as give you some key skills you need for your next role. Try to take a course every few months or at least do the reading to stay on top of the game and become a powerhouse of knowledge. 

12.Use your passions 

If you are passionate about something in your real life, it is always good to translate this to your workplace and use your talents for the good of your career. For example, as a marketing professional you might also be passionate about photography or art – so make sure to use your art or photography skills in the workplace to drive engagement and leads into your business.

Everyone has a talent and a passion, and when you are able to align this with your growth in career, true magic can happen. 

Read also: Clear Signs You Need a Career Change